Denise Richards hot news
Despite having one of the lowest judges' scores EVER, Steve Wozniak was spared right off the bat in the "Dancing with the Stars" elimination show, so let us now rejoice that he will worm another day! A Barbie Ballroom dance-off then ensued between Holly Madison and Denise Richards, who both improved upon their previous performances, but ultimately it wasn't enough to save Denise from the fate of her sad sack Samba. Here are some farewell thoughts for Ms. Richards.
Did you have fun? I can't tell. But I'm guessing not so much. I know it must be hard. You're a single mom who could use a career boost. You probably know that people aren't really rooting for you. There was the messy divorce, the sleeping with your best friend's husband, the reality show. It's written all over your face every time you speak that you hope people will like you, but don't really believe that they will. Combine that with pressure from your "people" to make it far in this competition so that they can cash their checks, and I get it, it must feel like the weight of the world on your shoulders when you dance.
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